Star Central Studios opens its doors for internship
On the early morning of May 22nd, I was greeted by welcoming staff from Star Central Studios. Immediately, I was taken into one of their state-of-the-art edit bays, where I would shadow President Gilbert Jorgenson in editing a commercial for a locally loved clothing distributor.
Throughout the past two weeks of my internship at Star Central Studios, I’ve learned the fundamentals of the lucrative industry that is filmmaking.
The true magic of this wonderful craft lies behind the scenes. Prior to any filming, the set of a shoot is of upmost importance. In my first week, I learned how to set up grip and lighting for a shoot, an this has opened my eyes about how much time and effort goes into this industry.
In addition to learning about film creation and set building, learning about camera work and lighting has also benefited my personal endeavors in my pursuit of becoming a video journalist.
Everyone here at Star Central studios has provided me with amazing advice and experience of the highest professional level giving me high hopes for the future.